Geographical distribution of immigrants
While most people living in rural areas were born in Luxembourg, more than two-thirds of those living in Luxembourg's urban center were born abroad!
49.3 %Nationwide, the presence of foreign-born residents is significant, with an average share of 49.3% of the total population at the time of the 2021 census. The location of immigrants is highly dependent on both their origin and the duration of time they have lived in Luxembourg.
Geographical breakdown of the immigrant population
Maps 1.A and 1.B illustrate the proportion of the municipal population represented by the immigrant population in each municipality (A) and in each 1 km² grid cell (B). Map 1.A shows that all Luxembourg municipalities have a relatively significant immigrant population, which distinguishes Luxembourg from other European nations. Nevertheless, there is significant variation in the proportion of immigrants in the municipal population, ranging from one to three times. The highest proportions are found in the country’s two most populous cities, Luxembourg City (72.7% immigrants) and Eschsur-Alzette (56.1%), as well as in around ten municipalities close to the capital.
Using the data available by 1 km² cell (map 1.B), we can considerably refine the analysis of exposure to immigration and diversity. Firstly, it reveals that the geographical location of immigrants is more concentrated than the analysis by municipality would suggest. Secondly, it illustrates the significant variation in the proportion of immigrants within municipalities. These cells of high migratory intensity are concentrated in certain neighborhoods and near the capital, as well as along the borders, which does not appear as clearly at the municipal level.
Share of immigrants in the total population by municipality (A) or 1 km² grid cell (B)
Heterogeneous distribution according to origin
1. Analysis by country of origin:
The proportion of immigrants from surrounding countries makes up 12.9% of the resident population, 54% of whom come from France, 26% from Belgium and 20% from Germany. This immigration is mainly concentrated around Luxembourg City and in border areas close to the countries of origin. Ten municipalities account for more than 18%. These are Luxembourg (21.4%), Kopstal (20.0%), Strassen (19.9%), Habscht (18.3%), Hesperange (18.2%) and Steinfort (18.1%).
The majority of residents born in France live in this central region, as well as in the south of the country. A closer look at this population shows that its location remains stable over time, with little influence from the duration of stay.
Other residents of surrounding countries, mainly those born in Belgium, have a strong presence along the border in the north of the country. In comparison, people born in Germany make up a smaller proportion of the border population with Germany.
Residents born in Portugal represent 11.3% of the total population, making up the largest community since the 1980s. Immigration of Portuguese workers began in the 1950s, mainly illegally, before being regulated from the early 1970s.
People of Portuguese origin make up a relatively small proportion of the population of the Centre region. They are more concentrated in the south of the country, in the canton of Esch-sur-Alzette, and in the north-east, in the cantons of Vianden, Diekirch and Echternach, as well as in the area around Larochette. Their presence in the north-east was already significant in 1991, two decades after the signing of migration agreements between the two countries. By contrast, their presence in the south has grown steadily.
Immigrants born in the rest of the European Union make up the smallest group, representing 9.6% of the total population. Since the 1980s, this influx of European workers has been a response to the development of international services, such as banking and European institutions. This immigration is mainly concentrated around the city of Luxembourg.
Finally, immigrants born outside the European Union represent 15.5% of the total population and are the fastest growing group in recent decades.
This growth reflects the diversification of immigration to Luxembourg, with significant inflows from countries such as China, Montenegro, India, Cape Verde, Kosovo, Brazil, Russia, Morocco, and Turkey.
What's more, in recent years Luxembourg has become one of the OECD countries with the highest number of asylum seekers per capita, second only to Greece. These non-European immigrants are mainly located in three of the country's cities - Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette and Wiltz - and their surrounding areas.
2. Analysis by duration of stay:
Luxembourg City has a high proportion of very recent immigrants (31.6%) in its total population, which suggests that the capital plays a role as a 'gateway' for new arrivals.
However, the proportion of immigrants who arrived more than 20 years ago is only 10% in the capital, which is lower than in the neighbouring communes to the south and in the corridor leading to the Nordstad.
A variety of locations
Distribution of populations by degree of urbanisation and length of stay in Luxembourg
The locations can be grouped into 3 categories: the urban centre, in this case the city of Luxembourg and its surrounding area, urban clusters where there are 300 people per km² and more than 5,000 inhabitants, and rural areas with a lower density.
While a large majority of people born in Luxembourg live in rural areas (63.2%), their proportion is close to that of immigrants in urban clusters (53.2%), but is much lower in the urban centre of Luxembourg (30.2%).
The Portuguese community and immigrants who have been here for more than 20 years have the highest proportions in the urban clusters. For all the other immigrant groups, the highest proportions are found in the urban centre made up of the capital and its surrounding area.
It is also interesting to note that disparities in location systematically decrease with the duration of stay. Differences in the location of long-term residents are much smaller than those of newcomers. Once again, this phenomenon can be naturally explained by the fact that duration of stay favours integration.
Integration and living together
Lastly, reading these data in the light of the "segregation index" - which measures the "spatial separation" of 2 types of population varying from 0 (equivalent distribution between the 2 groups) to 1 (completely different distribution) - shows that the index is extremely low, regardless of the origin or duration of stay of immigrants. This observation is particularly significant because it shows that the geographical distribution of populations is in no way an obstacle to two national priorities: integration and living together.
The level of spatial segregation between natives and immigrants remains low (below 0.25) in most Luxembourg municipalities. In particular, segregation is minimal around the city of Luxembourg. The same applies to the whole band stretching from the canton of Capellen to that of Grevenmacher. Indices slightly below 0.25 are also found in several other municipalities, such as Rambrouch and Wahl in the canton of Redange, Putscheid and Vianden in the canton of Vianden, and Vallée de l'Ernz and Berdorf in the east.
Remarkably, no municipality has an index greater than 0.50, a value that defines a situation of high spatial segregation between the two population categories. This relatively equitable distribution bears witness to the fact that living together, far from being a utopian dream or a mere prospect, is accessible and achievable in the Grand Duchy.
Find out more about the geographical distribution of immigrants in Luxembourg
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